Video Production

Slow computers should no longer exist in 2020 — Luckily there’s ASUS.

Slow computers should no longer exist in 2020 — Luckily there’s ASUS.

SM Aura wanted to show how it was to shop in the new normal. They also wanted to feature some home essentials that you could purchase in-mall, with the use of an influencer who has credibility for their target audience.

They wanted to create a video for IGTV, in order to try and maximize the potential of the feature.

The Brief

We created a story surrounding SM Aura wanted to show how it was to shop in the new normal. They also wanted to feature some home essentials that you could purchase in-mall, with the use of an influencer who has credibility for their target audience.

They wanted to create a video for IGTV to try and test out the channel. We featured Maggie’s top buys whenever she goes to the mall. Her audience — moms and millennials alike would be interested to know what she likes shopping for.

We also tried to keep the video to the recommended time that IGTV has.

The Execution

The video received 12.5k views as of writing, which is 24x more than their previously highest performing video. Using Maggie and creating a story around the video helped SM Aura create more brand awareness around the safety measures of their mall.


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