Beyond the Race: Marketing Strategies we can learn from Formula 1’s Instagram Accounts

Sports and brand partnerships have a long-standing relationship, dating back to the start of sports fandoms and communities. Access to diverse content beyond game highlights has been a hallmark of this relationship, with sports such as F1 engaging with their audience as integral parts of their story and teams.

But how exactly do F1 teams continue to reinforce their online presence? Read on to find out more!

F1 team content

Mercedes’ Instagram page has posts about their stats post-race and even updates on the technology behind their racecars. Besides making their drivers look good by including their fits and Tommy Hilfiger-designed uniforms, Mercedes includes a Link in Bio for blog posts that go in-depth to discuss how the team approaches racing.

This approach for their social media works because Mercedes strategically involves and engages its fans with content that goes beyond just race stats and updates. 

Ferrari’s Instagram highlights the drivers and humanizes them through a series of uplifting, heartwarming and funny posts. They also make it a point to have their drivers be at the center of most of their posts.

For Ferrari fans, this strategy lets them be familiarized with the team drivers and makes them feel more involved with their favorite team. This also upholds the drivers’ image as heroes for their fans.

Red Bull Racing posts focus on showcasing their cars in different settings through reels and photos. They also show memorable quotes, happy moments, and funny tidbits from their drivers in and out of the racetrack.

They also have their own Link in Bio that includes contests, recaps, and additional content for fans. Having this kind of content lets Red Bull fans really get to connect with the team and know more about what makes a Red Bull car more unique than the other F1 cars and engines.

What these accounts have in common is that they look into their branding. These brands know who they are and lay it all out there for their fans. They also approach Instagram as a means to choose how they connect with their audience. They choose to engage and make them feel like they’re a part of all the action.

Beyond the race

Other brands that are looking for social media marketing strategies can turn to these accounts as they have continuously been able to engage audiences with their every move.

These accounts have shown what it takes to build teams into brands. Teams have been able to establish solid brand identity by sticking to theme colors on their Instagram accounts. By having random Q&A sessions, personalized quotes and messages from the team, and timely updates on-and-off season, fans feel like they see it all.

Want to expand and reach your target audience for your social media? Let Near Creative help you out with that. 


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